Monday, 3 May 2010

Finals are just like that.

I've been studying for finals. I have three cumulative finals (Linear, Behavioral Econ, and Econ Public Sector) and one regular final (CB). On top of the exam finals, I have a take-home final (Labor Relations in Hospitality). I've never had more than one cumulative final before, so I am not sure how I will deal with the workload. Some classes call for cumulative finals: for Linear, it is hard not to have a cumulative final because all concepts are based on previous learned concepts. 

Behavioral Econ is annoying - the concepts take me some time to understand but it feels like my inability (or poor ability) to take tests is mostly responsible for my less than satisfactory scores. I really have to take a few minutes to look over the questions before answering them. I think less about the characteristics of the model than the actual model itself, I have to keep the qualitative characteristics in mind. That said, I really like how these models can (at least partially) explain human behavior.

Linear is pretty straightforward with learning how to compute stuff. It sort of reminds me of calc back in high school. All the other finals are just "muscle memory" (just have to repeat when the given situation - question - comes up on the exam) exams so that is just some simple work involved.

Then after exams, I plan on sticking around for a few days before going home!

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