Monday, 15 February 2010

Productivity of Diversity

Yesterday I went to Bing to hang out with a friend in the library.
That's right - a day long study date. Bring it on. I haven't done one since freshman year second semester at Rutgers. I had a ridiculously productive time: I finished up my paper, did my problem set, and finished my article for The Visible Hand. I am only so productive when I am studying with someone who is not in the same school I am. Unfortunately I've never been in such an ideal situation since I got to Cornell: everyone I have studied with has been in ILR with me.

I find it better to study with someone else in a different school because none of the idle conversations in between has to do with class. If anyone mentions anything about what they are studying, the other person cannot contribute much - the conversation stays short. Since we both study different things, we get a little 'break' from what we're studying to listen to a short blurb about another topic.
Or maybe I just don't like what I am studying and the offering of alternatives is amazing.

In other news, I plan on making dumplings for a friends' dinner party next week. I have never made them with beef before, so I am going to do a trial run this weekend or later this week.

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