Monday, 14 March 2011


With the recent Japanese earthquake disaster, specifically its damaging effect on nuclear power plants, I cannot help but think about the radiation exposure risks.

Therefore, I cannot help but think about the risk of birthing Godzilla...

Sunday, 13 March 2011

You Know...

I've been thinking about why I have been hearing bad news from Grad Schools recently. It is not a surprise I got rejection letters from top economics programs, but even rejection letters from some programs I thought I had a decent shot of getting in to? On top of that, I do not have any definite grad program plans right now and everything is a tightrope act. I am going to a school next week and hopefully I can talk to a few professors and convince them to let me into their school with substantial financial aid.

(Un?) fortunately, I've also been working on job applications. This was not my primary plan and really hope that I do not have to postpone my graduate plans. Even then, can doing research work really help me out again for grad school? I feel like I've basically crossed a river on a one-way boat ride and am unable to earn enough money to take the boat back the other way.

I haven't heard back from all my schools yet, so here's to some hope!